Hi All,

I was getting off a plane in Austin on my way to SXSW when I read the news
about Soft being discontinued. Even though, as I said for a long time, I
expected it to happen, it was still a shock. That was the day I
unsubscribed to this list.

For a variety of reasons and for quite some time, I had been trying find
something else to do. The state of the industry is pretty awful compared to
even just a few years ago. Soft being killed was the last straw. I started
using Soft 3D in 1995 and next year would have been 20 years since I began
my 3D career in NYC.

So instead of continuing on and having to learn a whole new set of tools,
it was time to seriously evaluate my future in VFX. I was at the point
where if one more person asked me to make a car out of smoke and turn it
into 3 dragons made of water and one made out of fire, I was going to shoot

I decided to go in an entirely new direction and began coursework to become
a User Experience (UX) designer, which I completed a short time ago.

I spent a great deal of time on this list and I have to thank all of you
who have pitched in over the years and helped me out. You're a great group
of people. I felt a little bad having just signed off like I did, so on
that note...

So long and thanks for all the fish.


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