I´m pretty excited about xgen.

Not as a replacement for yeti fur, though.

The thing about yeti isn´t just it´s grooming controls,
it has loads of tools for actually animating&simulating
fur and then caching things into somewhat reliable caches.

That said, i still don´t have fully understood the whole yeti process
and find myself battling with it more than i would like to have to.

Still, I haven´t seen anything from xgen that shows that level of
dynamic simulation&animation control you have with yeti.

For me, xgen is starting to look more like an alternative to 

Multiscatter is for 3DSmax.

It´s so easy to use, it makes me weep when I think about it while trying to 
scatter or distribute *anything* in Maya...



On 11.10.2014 04:46, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
Hey there, would like to take an opportunity to survey people transitioners or 
old hands, about Hair/fur systems in Maya.

I've already seen Yeti used to great effect, in and out of production.

Has anyone used Xgen ? cause despite the hype, the implementation at the very 
least from the demo, looks convoluted as all hell.


It seems to embrace all the tenants of Maya design philosophy, e.g: ... It's 
broken out of the box, no seriously the guy apologises like 4 times in the 
video before showing

Would love to hear if anyone has used it in production, and if it is actually useful, or 
if it is yet another Maya "Feature"...

(Ps: yes i know Yeti is not commercially available in the US, but if we could 
restrict this to the technical ?.)

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