Split the work.  What is not work.  (aka professional baseball player,
artist, advertiser, banker, etc., would not be considered 'actual' work)

What is work, required fields only: (Security, sanitation, clothing,
transportation, housing, energy, communications systems, tools production,
food, medical ...)

Everyone, is compelled to contribute, they log into their official computer
account.  The computer tells them they are required to put in 20 work days
for this year.  The computer lists that persons current accredited skill
set and available positions - aka. you are qualified to pick oranges,
janitorial work, medical level 2 (can apply casts) etc..  Education is
free, so the person can learn medical level 3, 4, etc. and be approved for
accreditation and can retest as much as needed.  Once they have enough
qualifications they can do their 20 days, or some part of it, as an on site
qualified and registered nurse, etc., and can continue training until they
become doctor qualified, etc. etc..

When their is a disaster, a tornado lets say, maybe the entire populations
work days go from 20 up to 24 for that year.  We have 7 billion people,
lets say 5 billion are of working age.  5 billion x 4 extra days emergency
relief = 20 billion additional work days, aka 160 billion additional work
hours to fix up any transportation system, extra medical, building repair,
etc..  The same holds true in reverse, when we create any effective
surpluses, we might work only 15 days that year, etc..

The key is, required work is required and other work is bullshit we do for
fun and that their are more than enough available resources for people to
play and create and share and learn new skills and love in their 345 days a
year off where they are not required to work and are fully provided for at
a high standard that they all make even better in their free time, etc..

If you like the concept please contact me, I am in the planning stages of
making a Graphic Novel to convey this imagined possible reality, to present
it visually, and in detail.  If anyone would like to contribute to the
script and or visual artwork, please email me back directly.

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