This highlights an issue that has been on my mind as of late. I am not
directing this at anyone in particular...

How to read a contract.

Art/Animation schools don't teach students anything about how to read
contracts or how to manage your intellectual property rights. It's time
they started and I will tell you why...

If animators had been treating this like a business and not a hobby
starting 20 years ago, the landscape of VFX would look far different today.

If you're tired of creatives getting screwed by slick business people, you
have to understand what you are getting yourself into and not be freaked
out by legalese.

The fact is, you are not signing over any more rights than what is
explicitly written in the contract. They need to be able to store, copy and
display the data just for purposes of putting it on the website and their
cloud service and there is a time limit for how long they can use it after
you stop paying for the service. Also, you privacy is protected because
while they collect data on you and other users about how they utilize the
platform (presumably for user research), your personal information isn't
attached to it. There is no language in there regarding IP or ownership,
you have nothing to worry about.

My 2 cents,

On Oct 29, 2014 1:47 PM, "Leendert A. Hartog" <> wrote:

> The terms you quote are reason enough for people like me to generally
> distrust any service like this. The attempts to sugarcoat it as clumsy
> wording is a bit problematic too IMHO: if it can be worded better, do so:
> word it better! These aren't playground discussions, these are the basis
> for binding contracts.
> [/rant]
> Greetz
> Leendert
> --
> Leendert A. Hartog AKA Hirazi Blue
> Administrator NOT the owner of

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