Yeah I agree entirely with what Raf said.

In addition if enough people want the discussions about transition
experiences of members of our community to stop here I can get on board.
Just know that when that happens the community will start to dwindle
rapidly. It's the same damn point that's been made over and over since the
EOL announcement. We're going to have to move somewhere else. Softimage is
done. Some of us are transitioning sooner than others. This is going to
leave the community pretty fragmented so topics and sharing of experiences
is going to be very mixed up.

If you hit something you don't want to read move on.

Eric T.

Eric Thivierge

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Sylvain Lebeau <> wrote:

> A message of great nostalgia, sadness but also realism and share fullness.
> sly
> *Sylvain Lebeau // SHED*
> V-P/Visual effects supervisor
> T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 WWW.SHEDMTL.COM <> <
> http://WWW.SHEDMTL.COM <>>
> On May 14, 2015, at 8:02 PM, Raffaele Fragapane <
>> wrote:
> Is it really an issue?
> It's not like people have flocked to this list like flies to corpses to
> pimp and peddle. The non-Soft posts are come either from people who have
> explicitly been invited to the list by long standing members in time of
> crisis, or by long enough standing members, and I've seen Chris' name
> plenty times before. Personally I'm interested in seeing how others are
> coping with change (in ways other than ignoring its necessity, which is a
> viable strategy only for so long).
> I see your point Matt, and I don't disagree, but while it's only fair that
> this list is used predominantly for those continuing to use Soft (we're
> still doing movies with it here at AL), the "Softimage Experience" now is
> also about other people who have used Soft sharing their experience in
> moving away from it as sad as it might be. Almost everybody, sooner or
> later, will have to walk that path, and there's nobody more indicated to
> advise than other members of this list.
> I don't know, seems a bit of a storm in a glass of water to me.

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