Hi there!

A little update. This one has been added to the program:

“Houdini 15“ Paul Fratesi, Scott Keating, Sidefx/Toronto, Canada



Am 10.08.2015 um 18:41 schrieb Mirko Jankovic:
Maaaan this year I must make it!!!!

btw shame there is no Houdini covered as well taht would give nice roundup of after-SI choices

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Oliver Weingarten <li...@pixelpanic.de <mailto:li...@pixelpanic.de>> wrote:

    Hello there!

    Our small usermeeting is there to stay, although we lost the good
    old SOFTIMAGE|XSI. (..thanks again to Autodesk for killing it
    great job...), we will try to make the best out of it. So, I hope
    the spirit and the community of the exSOFTIMAGE people will be
    present, even if our software won´t play that big part anymore.
    The program, or at least, the biggest part of it put together. If
    you can make, feel free to register and drop by in Siegen/Germany.
    I hope to see many known faces and new ones! Lunch and coffee is
    free! Ranting about a certain company is priceless ;) And Maxon
    will sponsor a "aftershow beer" for everyone!


    *“MODO in Pipelines – get throught the work from construction to art“*
    André Löscher/Kirchlengern, Germany
    *“MODO in Production – Rigging a Car“*
    Matthias Zellerhoff/Paderborn, Germany

    *” Why should Softimage users look into Ventuz”*
    Erik Beaumont, COO Ventuz Technology/Munich, Germnay

    *“Fabric Engine 2.0“*
    Helge Mathee, Eric Mootz, Fabric Software Inc/Montreal, Canada

    *“Cinema 4D Release 17 – What´s new!“*
    Glenn Frey, Maxon/Friedrichsdorf, Germany

    *“Seed” – doing a short movie without any briefing and client
    Fuat Yüksel, Aixsponza/München, Germany

    *“From a Car-Interieur-3D-Scan to 3D model and making of an
    ´Airbus A319´ ”*
    Jörg Behr, Behr-Bros/Ebersbach, Germany

    *Registration is online!!*


    Hope to see you!!

    Oliver Weingarten

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