Looks nice :)

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>

> With some help from PeterB, here's what I had in mind.
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1QqhXD7Y15qR3BOZGtZRXcxSDg
> Pedro, my apologies, I was dragged away and didn't take time to answer.
> Thank's for sharing the compound :)
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> It works !
>> Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
>> I only have 2015, do you want the scene anyway ? Maybe just the compounds
>> could export and work in 2012?
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1QqhXD7Y15qR3BOZGtZRXcxSDg
>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:48 PM, <pete...@skynet.be> wrote:
>>> yes the third example was toto3.scn – gotta love my naming convention.
>>> I gave slaves and masters an initial random orientation to make sure it
>>> was respected – so having a cylindrical basis *should* work.
>>> of course, as always, the abstract test is nice, and then you try to do
>>> something more specific, and all hell breaks loose.
>>> if at some point you want to / can send a scene where you would like to
>>> solve the issue, I can have a look
>>> (no promises – and I’m on 2012 here – perhaps 2013 somewhere – and
>>> depending on available time of course..)
>>> regards, Peter
>>> *From:* Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 07, 2015 6:57 PM
>>> *To:* pete...@skynet.be
>>> *Subject:* Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>> Nope, was on my scene, I tried to build the brick wall. It's a
>>> cylindrical, like a tower, brick wall.
>>> But having both Master rotations and Slave rotations with different
>>> values (not beeing zero) gives some troubles.
>>> No time to investigate today, a bit overwhelmed by other stuff :/
>>> The second test is Toto3.scn ?
>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 6:11 PM, <pete...@skynet.be> wrote:
>>>> woops – not much time behind the computer today -
>>>> > Still some rotation problem I might ask you ;)
>>>> you mean in the test scene I sent you?
>>>> at first sight the rotations looked correct but I’m not sure
>>>> *From:* Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 06, 2015 9:34 PM
>>>> *To:* mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>>> Ok I'll check that tomorrow ;)
>>>> Well, the ribbon plan is ended, i defenetly prefer the tests I made
>>>> rather than the end result, but at least the director is happy.
>>>> Too bad the  strand orientation is such a nightmare, could have be so
>>>> cool with sole little maintenance...
>>>> The destruction (it's another shot) part is because I decided to run
>>>> some tests on ice. In fact the sequence has been made in c4d and the
>>>> fractures were so bad that I felt the need to prepare a backup solution
>>>> just in case. Finally the shot was validated as is. Nice rdb in c4d, with
>>>> easy control, but the fracture tool is just a bad joke.
>>>> I'm half happy with momentum, some nice ice control, but feels maybe
>>>> unfinished. Or maybe not enough docs.
>>>> So well, the  ice destruction is a side project. I'm very happy with
>>>> that cluster solved problem :)
>>>> Still some rotation problem I might ask you ;)
>>>> And the whole project is a documentary about le Louvre, how it was
>>>> built along history.
>>>> Le 6 oct. 2015 20:25, <pete...@skynet.be> a écrit :
>>>>> just sent you a second test which might work better for you – see your
>>>>> inbox.
>>>>> first you’re building a castle with unfolding ribbons and then you are
>>>>> collapsing it?
>>>>> sounds like a cool job you’re on!
>>>>> *From:* Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>
>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 06, 2015 6:59 PM
>>>>> *To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>>>> Hey Peter !
>>>>> You just created this ? It's very impressive !
>>>>> I'm looking at it atm, very interesting.
>>>>> For what I wanted to use, it doesn't work (yet).
>>>>> Here's the exact scenario
>>>>> I've made a Mom Simulation of a tower colapsing down. I've used the
>>>>> Mom_Create_Cluster By Cloud  tool so that I have big chunks made of 
>>>>> smaller
>>>>> chunks that collapse again themselves later.
>>>>> This is done in ice so each chunk has a particle center.
>>>>> Then I wanted to add some inside bricks to give details : Imagine
>>>>> bricks stucked into chunks of mortar.
>>>>> When the chunk falls, it brings with him the cluster of bricks
>>>>> attached to him (the closest bricks) (no RBD).
>>>>> So I thought  I  could generate a brick wall, and use the center of
>>>>> each chunk to drive the SRT of the clustered bricks.
>>>>> But for this, I'll need 2 pointclouds.
>>>>> One PC is the RBD chunks (master/driver)
>>>>> The other PC is the bricks (Slaves)
>>>>> Not sure if I'm clear
>>>>> But your example is superb, and very inspirative. Thank's a lot for
>>>>> taking the time to put this together !
>>>>> Olivier
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 5:10 PM, <pete...@skynet.be> wrote:
>>>>>> sent a quick test scene offline –
>>>>>> unfortunately I don’t have the ones I’ve done in the past, which
>>>>>> tackled a few interesting issues (at least for me)
>>>>>> *From:* Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:33 PM
>>>>>> *To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>> Do you have a scene that I could dissect ?
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 1:28 PM, <pete...@skynet.be> wrote:
>>>>>>> I’ve done it like this:
>>>>>>> upon generation of particles, 1 out of x becomes a master – the
>>>>>>> others become slaves
>>>>>>> not behind the computer, but I used the modulo of the particle ID by
>>>>>>> x, which gives the remainder upon division by x. if it’s 0 you make it a
>>>>>>> master, if not a slave. Add a boolean attribute, for example ‘slave’, so
>>>>>>> all of this is done on ‘execute on emission’
>>>>>>> later on, you can use this ‘slave’ attribute as a condition to do
>>>>>>> all kinds of things differently for masters and slaves in the same 
>>>>>>> cloud.
>>>>>>> for instance, ‘add forces’ for the masters only. (slave attribute
>>>>>>> driving an ‘if’ port )
>>>>>>> in my case the slaves had to stay with their ‘birth’ master – so
>>>>>>> upon generation, besides the slave attribute, I saved a second attribute
>>>>>>> which was the ID of the master (the particle ID minus the remainder from
>>>>>>> the modulo I think)
>>>>>>> there’s many ways you can drive the slaves.
>>>>>>> in my case I needed an elastic link, where they would also orbit
>>>>>>> around the master as well as collide with obstacles, and look kind of
>>>>>>> natural, so they were still simulated - (and there was also an overall
>>>>>>> ‘character’ to keep in mind)
>>>>>>> at the basis, using the id of the master I got it’s position, and
>>>>>>> used that as a target.
>>>>>>> point position minus the master’s point position used as a vector
>>>>>>> force will give a force pulling towards (or away from) the master.
>>>>>>> this was modulated by a change range based on the length of that
>>>>>>> vector – so if the distance got bigger the force was stronger and vice
>>>>>>> versa. this gave it the elastic effect, leaving the slaves a bit more 
>>>>>>> loose
>>>>>>> when near the master but pulling them more rigidly when going too far 
>>>>>>> away.
>>>>>>> the spinning/orbiting was done with a dot product (I think), and
>>>>>>> again modulated based on distance from the master, so the closer they 
>>>>>>> were,
>>>>>>> the faster they spinned around the master.
>>>>>>> I also added a bit of the direction of the master to it’s position
>>>>>>> to use as target, rather than just it’s actual position – this is much 
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>> precise at high speeds: the master’s point position is where the master 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> at the beginning of the current simulation step – so using that as the
>>>>>>> target, the slaves are trailing too much behind the master and have
>>>>>>> difficulty keeping up when the master makes complex movements.
>>>>>>> so all of this is using forces on the slaves, so they still behave
>>>>>>> in a ‘natural’, simulated fashion.
>>>>>>> you can of course approach it differently, by driving the position
>>>>>>> itself (set position on the slaves) for a more ‘geometric’ result.
>>>>>>> you could save the offset between the slave and the master at
>>>>>>> emission as an attribute, and use this to set position, as master 
>>>>>>> position
>>>>>>> + ( offset, rotated with master’s orientation)
>>>>>>> same for rotation and scale, save them at birth and then modulate
>>>>>>> with the one from the master (add,multiply,.. depends a bit on what 
>>>>>>> you’re
>>>>>>> after)
>>>>>>> all of this is assuming you’re ok with assigning the master to the
>>>>>>> slave at birth.
>>>>>>> assigning a new master can be as simple as saving a new value for
>>>>>>> the masterID upon a trigger or a condition – but using a closest point 
>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>> frame on the cloud itself to dynamically find a master all the time is
>>>>>>> going to slow things down a lot. I’m not sure if you can find a closest
>>>>>>> point out of a subset of particles (the masters only) which is a bit 
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> what goes on with slipstream’s vorticles I think. You could do this with
>>>>>>> two clouds though – one cloud with the masters and a second with the 
>>>>>>> slaves
>>>>>>> – but that’s going to make other things more convoluted.
>>>>>>> I hope this gives some ideas?
>>>>>>> *From:* Olivier Jeannel <facialdel...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 05, 2015 10:08 PM
>>>>>>> *To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>>>> *Subject:* Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>>>>>> I don't know how to do that :
>>>>>>> Let's say I have a grid of 10 particles moving in a simultion
>>>>>>> (Master).
>>>>>>> Let's say I create another grid of 100 particles (slaves).
>>>>>>> I want those 100 particles to follow in position, rotation and scale
>>>>>>> the 10 master particles.
>>>>>>> I don't want the slaves to get the position of the master, I want
>>>>>>> the master to behave like the center of the slaves chunk/cluster.
>>>>>>> Not sure I'm clear.


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