Not sure what you mean by "OpenGL captcha realisation" but EditTextString is 
not using OpenGL and just displays a windows text editing control on top of the 
OpenGL viewport.

The reason why it can only be used in the MouseUpCallback is because control 
will be transferred to the edit control. I seem to remember that bad things 
will happen if it is called from mouse down or drag which is why it is 
disallowed. :-)

[] On Behalf Of Andrew Prostrelov
Sent: 22 May 2016 19:14
Subject: OpenGL captcha

Oh can't wait to test it am digging through bboxtransfromtool from XSI API 
examples and there are intersting OpenGL captcha realisation used in this tool.
But the problem is that ToolContext.EditTextString() available from 
CustomTool.MouseUp() callback only.
So i guess maybe some one have any ideas about OpenGL captcha realisation so we 
can use it from any place of a plugin Tool.
Maybe some link or anything ?
The part of tool that i talking about called DimensionTool or something like 

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