Thank you for looking into it, Maurice.
I honestly am sure just you doing that is appreciated.

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Maurice Patel <>

> My problem is I cannot actually gauge whether this is really a serious
> issue or not.
> I know quite rightly that people are upset with the EOL of Softimage so I
> am not sure if what is being expressed here is just a reference of that
> anger (which I can do nothing about) or really related to the wiki being a
> useful resource rather than an obsolete website no one visits. There is no
> point trying to save an obsolete website hoping to fix anger at the EOL of
> Softimage because it will not. Anyway I am still researching options
> including releasing the data (if it can be done so in compliance with our
> privacy rules) to the community– I do not know how feasible anything is.
> maurice
> Maurice Patel
> Tél:  514 954-7134
> Cell: 514 242-6549
> From: [mailto:softimage-bounces@
>] On Behalf Of Perry Harovas
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 10:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Wiki EOL soon
> So what you are say, Maurice, is because some people have been making
> comments that you don't like, or are not constructive, you are going to get
> upset and not make an effort to do the right thing?
> You either want to do the right thing or you don't.
> Your message had the same tone as a parent getting upset with children,
> and then acting childish to get back at them.
> Everyone is being a bit childish now, but none of the people you are upset
> with started any of this.
> It started with Autodesk killing Softimage, and continues with killing the
> wiki.
> You didn't personally "do" any of that, but the company you work for did.
> I may have missed it, but I did not see anyone personally insulting you
> (and if they did, that was wrong). But your response was as if they did.
> Which honestly, and with no malice intended, is not exactly helping the
> situation either.
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Maurice Patel <
> <>> wrote:
> OK, I am not getting much rational feedback here and if you are just
> picking apart every word I say with inaccurate speculation it is hard for
> me to gauge how serious the need is and whether it is actually worth any
> effort on my part. From what I understand the server was maintained by a
> Softimage dev, that person is now doing other things, the server will be
> replaced and that will be the end and even by "Softimage" standards it has
> no traffic. As far as I see this has turned into just another excuse to
> take pot shots at Autodesk which while they may be fun is not convincing me
> that I really need to do something about this.
> Maurice
> Maurice Patel
> Tél:  514 954-7134<tel:514%20954-7134>
> Cell: 514 242-6549<tel:514%20242-6549>
> -----Original Message-----
> From:<mailto:softimage-
>> [mailto:softimage-bounces@
><>] On
> Behalf Of Schoenberger
> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 1:37 PM
> To:<
> >
> Subject: RE: Wiki EOL soon
>  |> Almost nobody in Autodesk terms could be many in Softimage terms...
> Right, that website produces only 0.00001% traffic of all AD websites.
> Therefore it has to be killed.
> Or Autodesk is now part of a secret www group that has the ambition to
> remove outdated websites. As, beside from that website, all other website
> (including the first forum posts on the area) are brand new.
> Imagine all the young artists searching for a Maya issue and accidentally
> reading Softimage help files, that must not happen!
> :-)
> Holger Schönberger
> technical director
> The day has 24 hours, if that does not suffice, I will take the night
>  |> -----Original Message-----
>  |> From:<mailto:softimage-
>  |> [<mailto:s
>>] On Behalf  |> Of Morten
> Bartholdy  |> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 5:03 PM  |> To:
> |> Subject: RE: Wiki EOL soon  |>  |> Almost nobody in Autodesk terms could
> be many in Softimage terms...
>  |>
>  |> To me it is invaluable to be able to find info on the odd  |> tool or
> functionality every now and then, but I don't visit  |> the Wiki when I
> don't need it. I will be using Softimage  |> for years to come, as Maya,
> though transforming and  |> improving, is still not a good replacement, and
> I can get a  |> lot more work done in a hurry with Softimage.
>  |>
>  |> //Morten
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> --
> Perry Harovas
> Animation and Visual Effects
> -26 Years Experience
> -Member of the Visual Effects Society (VES)
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> Softimage Mailing List.
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Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects <>

-26 Years Experience
-Member of the Visual Effects Society (VES)
Softimage Mailing List.
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