Found the problem ! at least one of the problems.

I wasn't updating the PPG with PPG.refresh().
I added the refresh command and now, it only shrinks once and goes back to
normal size when using 1 digit numbers.

Strange, but not refreshing the PPG after changing the buttons' labels
causes the progressive shrinking.

In english numbers size don't change at all.

Well at least it is now readable even if it shrinks a little. I can live
with this.

Thanks !


On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 10:34 PM, Matt Lind <> wrote:

> Double check your PPG Logic code to make sure you aren't inadvertently
> setting the font or button size.
> the buttons in the 2nd and 3rd rows seem to be better behaved.  The 2nd row
> decreases in size slightly after the first iteration of presses, but
> stabilizes thereafter.  The 3rd row seems to be fine.  Are you using the
> same function to define the labels of the buttons, or is the code unique
> per
> button?   What happens if the last value is something other than 256?  Do
> the button fonts still decrease recursively?  What happens if the 256 is
> defined as 256.0?
> Matt
> Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 20:14:58 +0900
> From: Martin Yara <>
> Subject: Prevent Softimage from translating (English to Japanese)
> To: ""
> Is there a way to prevent Softimage translating words?
> If someone is using Softimage in Japanese, it will translate my PPG options
> and destroying the whole layout.
> I managed to keep some words in my group titles by adding a few spaces, but
> I can't prevent Softimage from trying to "translate" my numbers. If that
> makes any sense.
> I think it is a font problem, but I don't see any option for font size or
> font type.
> I have a small button with numbers in it like 2.0.
> This number changes to 256 if I check a checkbox.
> If I uncheck the checkbox, it will be back to 2.0
> Pretty simple, and it works fine in English.
> But in Japanese, the fonts are automatically shrinked once they change.
> If I uncheck the box it will be back to 2.0 with the shrinked font.
> And if I check again the box, it will change to 256 and shrink even more !
> And so on until you can't see anything.
> I recorded it :
> Does anyone have an idea to prevent this from happening ?
> Martin
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