Kind of rooky question that I already asked but...

So I have that "problem" with the copy sop (copy to point, whatever) when I
have to do a copy with multiple input objects.
It was something really easy within ice with high performances.

I watched the sidefx tutorial, and so far I undertstood they deprecated the
stamp method for a copy within a loop.It's rather slow.

I also saw a method where it copies all the multiple objects on each point
and then delete according to the ptnum the undesired copies. it gets very
slow when you have many different objects to copy and it eats memory.

So I made my "own" method
The scenario was
working with packed
10 different objects(platonic, torus, sphere, etc)
I have some scattered point
I have a noise (float) on the scattered points
I want to distribute my 10 objects according to the values of that noise

so I divided my noise in 10 zones (based on grey float values)
I counted howmany of each object there was per zone(@numbperzone)
I copied each object the good amount
I placed each copy at its corresponding scattered point

et voilĂ 

now for 10 objects distributed on 350000 points it takes under 10s.

That's my best method for now, but I have now idea if it's worth something.

So how do you guys usually do ?
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