I distinctly remember looking at cityscape scenes in XSI a number of years 
ago when another user had similar problems.

If memory serves, the geometry is horribly corrupt and each material was 
duplicated per polygon or polygon cluster.  There were winged edges with 
more than 3 polygons sharing the same edge, normals facing both ways on the 
same polygon, etc.  Not at all surprised you're having problems.

Although editing the geometry in XSI induced a lot of crashes, it was 
necessary to fix the problem.  Also removing the userNormals property helped 
with shading issues.  Finally, performing a delete unused materials combined 
with a simple script to merge/consolidate redundant materials cleaned up the 

Since you're doing it all in Maya, I suspect you have the same problems. 
First check the geometry for user normals, or whatever Maya's equivalent is. 
If they exist, remove them.  That should remove most of the problems.  Then 
go into the geometry and unshare those winged edges and leave them as 
discrete polygons.  That shouldn't have any negative affect on the rendered 
result.  Finally, write a script to scan all the objects to see which shader 
nodes they're using and do a 'diff' between them as the shaders are likely 
duplicate copies.  Once you find a duplicate, unshare it and replace it with 
the original copy.

A lot of elbow grease, but should fix the problems in the end.


Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 21:14:26 +0000
From: “Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]”<j.ponthi...@nasa.gov>
Subject: A pain in the Arnold…
To: “softimage@listproc.autodesk.com”

Howdy yall,

I thought I would post here before I escalate this but… Arnold on Maya 2018 
is producing an error in render…

I've got an ESRI City Engine scene imported into Maya 2018, It was working 
fine under Maya 2017 and rendering fine in Mental Ray. But mental Ray is 
gone now.

It renders in the Maya Software render fine.

In Arnold it produces what looks like triangulation (Tessellation) errors 
rendering some triangles darker than others.

It only produces the problem on materials with texture maps.

Disconnecting the textures from the diffuse color removes the problem. But 
removes the texture also. But this seems to indicate its not a lighting, 
normals, or shading error.

I've turned literally everything in Arnold settings off or neutral and no 

Its not shadows, nor anti-aliasing, nor duplicate polygons, nor a bad mesh.

Forcing a triangulate on the mesh can make different triangles darker but 
the problem does not go away.

All reflections, shadows, motion blur, etc have been turned off in Maya and 
Arnold for Render Settings and Object. No change.

Any thoughts?

Thanks Joey

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