In Maya you can create a Projection Node and put it in a Material. The
Texture will be projected to the objects using this material, but it won't
affect the UVs.
I don't know if there is anything like the Softimage UV projections.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 10:47 PM <> wrote:

> Apologies for asking Maya related questions here, but Autocraps Forums are
> no help and you guys are the closest I get to a comprehensive likeminded
> hivemind with some Maya knowledge :)
> I am doing some modeling work based on reference photos in Maya currently,
> and in XSI I would just set up a camera, camera project the reference photo
> onto a rough model and work from there.
> Maya apparently has the ability to do camera projection based UV's (a new
> UV set, not rendertime projection), but it seems to sort of normalize the
> UV's making them useless for directly applying the reference photo as
> texture, and the documentation is bloody useless (as usual) since it
> doesn't provide any camera options information.
> Is there a trick to do this in Maya or is it just another of those
> gazillion annoying things that are soo much easier to do in XSI?
> Thanks Morten
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