Hello, I find tangent handles in Maya's graph editor very frustrating.

In XSI, by default, tangents handles left and right have untied length. 
Then you can use a function that links the length of the handles, left 
and right.

But in Maya, by default, the handles are linked EVEN IF THEY DON'T HAVE 
THE SAME LENGTH!! So if a right handle is too long while the left handle 
is too short, you start by decreasing the length of the right handle , 
but the left handle decrease too, and as a result, the left handle 
enters the keyframe!! And then it's over, you can't touch the left 
handle. How stupid is that?

Of course to avoid that there a button called "breal tangents" but in 
that case, both handle loose the unified orientation. What a headache.

Did someone manage to make the graph editor behave like XSI's animation 
/ fcurve editor?



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