
Here is a summary of what the team did from April 6 to April 19.

Sprint taskboard:

Regarding Software Factory:

*We worked on adding SAML2 support to deployments, the patches can be
reviewed at https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/q/topic:saml_auth
* We updated the etherpad version to include a security fix.
* We continued the integration of gerrit-2.14 by removing deprecated
code from managesf and sf-config.
* We updated the Zuul package to the 3.0.1 version and added further
requirements for the next releases (python-re2).
* We have updated the rdopkg/dlrn SF packages and packaged the dlrnapi_client
* We have finalized a first functional Zuul/DLRN roles
https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/11810/ for SF and setup a two
nodes sandbox to continue the experiments. Architecture schema:
* We  finalized to test how to build rhel image  with
diskimage-builder for  testing and found a solution to avoid to have
the REG_PASSWORD in the  config repo (explain in sf documentation)
* We tested installing software-factory on rhel 7.4 and 7.5 using sf
and openstack-pike mirror.
* We have investigated how to handle the Dynamic loading feature of
Zuul in SF via a taiga story:

Regarding openstack-infra:

* We reviewed the angular-v5 patch for zuul-web.
* We worked on the MQTT publisher Zuul driver.
* We updated ansible jobs (lint, review and upload-to-galaxy) zuul-jobs.
* We reviewed the Zuul container spec and initiate threads regarding
openshift.io requirements (namely simplified DSL and investigation to
replace Zookeeper by Etcd)
* Dynamic loading feature has been merged upstream and landed in 3.0.1
* We're working on troubleshooting and improving performance for the
ARA sqlite middleware

Regarding RepoXplorer:

- Multiple changes (4) to improve again the UI performance and experience.
- Finalized the setup of
- Communication on OSAS ML - good feedback - Got a lot of cnx on the
instance - I have been asked by Brian Proffitt to do a blog post on
http://community.redhat.com/ about facts discovered with the instance.

Regarding other things:

* We worked on the anomaly detection workshop for the opendev conf.
* We're helping with the organization of an Ansible meetup within the
OpenDev conference venue
* David will be leading a fishbowl collaborative session about
productization of open source projects at OpenDev

The SF team

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