
Here is a summary of what the team did from Dec 01 to Dec 14.

Sprint taskboard:

Regarding Software Factory:
We fixed log streaming issue when running concurrent container on a single host
We removed zuulv2 (jenkins, zuul-launcher and nodepoolv2) from the master branch
We migrated sf-rpm-build koji integration job to zuulv3
We made progress having pages jobs working with zuulv3 to render and
publish project's webpage to $project-name.$fqdn virtual-host.
We have a tentative roadmap for SF 3.0

Regarding upstream contributions:
We worked on a zuul-dashboard page to display a job configuration:
We improved the reporting in logreduce by including the numbers of
features in each models
We started the openstack-infra/log-classify project:
We fixed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs issues related to CentOS and we
continued to worked on a  third-party-CI, see
We worked on a nodepool refactor to simplify driver creation:
We worked on a the git driver feature for zuulv3
We troubleshooted a severe memory leak issue with Zuulv3, not root caused yet
We drafted a spec which was discussed back at the Denver PTG to put
ARA for Ansible-driven infrastructure automation:

Regarding RepoXplorer:
We have added a REST endpoint for getting new appearing contributors
list based on a reference period
We have discussed with Pierre Yves Chibon (Pagure developper) to add
build a POC of repoxplorer indexing fedora distgit

Regarding other things:
We published OSSA-2017-005 ERRATA
We have a proper node, with a proper deployment playbook, for
automated integrations with external tools (taiga <-> gerrit & github
<-> taiga sync)
We experimented with writing a linter package for the atom editor that
can fetch gerrit comments: https://pasteboard.co/GY9pjf4.png

Next public review will happen Thursday Jan 4 at 13:00 UTC, feel free
to join us on #softwarefactory for the event details.

The SF team

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