
Please see inline below.


> 2. Section 4.1
> The translation between the IPv4 and IPv6 PIM messages seems underspecified. 
> It would be useful to provide some examples showing how the new addresses are 
> used in the different translations into the PIM message formats (RFC7741 
> Section 4.1).
> Answer: We have added some examples in Section 8.

[if - It would be useful to have a reference in section 4.1 to the section 8 

> 6. Section 7.2
> Are there options on the kind of tunnel encapsulation that can be used? It 
> would be useful to enumerate some of these and for interoperability one of 
> them needs to be mandatory to implement.
> Answer: We have added an paragraph in a new Section (Sec. 9), to state that 
> the mechanism should accommodate a variety of encapsulation mechanism 
> mentioned in RFC 4925 (Sec 3.5).

[if - Section 9 is adds MUST requirements to RFC4925, but RFC4925 is an 
Informational RFC. What about referring to the encapsulation methods in RFC4925 
without RFC2119 language, then have a MUST requirement that all of the AFBRs 
attached to the I-IP implement the same encapsulation mechanism?]

> 9. The use of RFC2119 language and the case of the words throughout the 
> document is not consistent (there are a number of lower case ‘must’ etc, that 
> probably should be uppercase).
> The term ‘should’ (lower case) is used in a number of places that make the 
> functionality of the mechanism seem uncertain (e.g. Figure 1 - 'Multicast 
> packets should get across the I-IP transit core'. Sec 4.1 'it should be 
> translated back’).
> There are some points that would seem to need MUST requirements that are 
> missing - e.g. Section 4.4 'every uPrefix64 that AFBR announces should be 
> different either, and uniquely identifies each AFBR’. If two AFBRs are 
> announcing the same uPrefix64, surely there will be problems.
> Suggest that the use of RFC2119 language is revised throughout the document 
> to avoid these problems and to tighten up the specification as a whole.
> Answer: We revised throughout the document to make the 
> ‘Conventions/Requirements' words consistent.
> 10. The document needs the language and grammar checking throughout.
> Answer: We have checked throughout the document and re-edited the language 
> and grammar.

[if - I’m still seeing some problems with the above two points. I’ll reply you 
directly on these]

> Best regards,
> Mingwei
> 发件人: Ian Farrer 
> 发送时间: 2016-04-20  03:53:13 
> 收件人: draft-ietf-softwire-mesh-multicast; softwires 
> 抄送: 
> 主题: Re: [Softwires] Call for reviewers draft-ietf-softwire-mesh-multicast 
> Hi,
> Here is my review of the draft.
> Best regards,
> Ian
> Pg 5 - states a 'dual-stack' router. The AFBR is not really dual-stack here. 
> It has two single stack interfaces and implements a transition technology. 
> Suggest removal of dual-stack.
> Section 4.1
> The translation between the IPv4 and IPv6 PIM messages seems underspecified. 
> It would be useful to provide some examples showing how the new addresses are 
> used in the different translations into the PIM message formats (RFC7741 
> Section 4.1).
> Section 4.2
> The term ‘MPREFIX64’ is not defined in RFC7371. As there are a number of 
> different formats for multicast prefixes in RFC7371, it would be useful to 
> point to the relevant section to avoid confusion.
> Why was the name MPREFIX64 chosen for 4in6 multicast? In other Softwire docs 
> (e.g. RFC7598), ’46’ is used to denote 4 in 6 functions and 64 for 6 in 4. As 
> the addressing and mechanism for 4in6 differs for 6in4, it would make sense 
> to differentiate this in the naming of the fields (i.e. use MPREFIX46, 
> uPrefix46 for 4in6 and uPrefix64 for 6in4).
> Section 6.3
> Section 6 overall defines requirements for the control plane. Sections 6.1. 
> and 6.2 are MUST requirements. 6.3 uses ‘should’ in defining the behaviour. 
> Can the mechanism work without implementing sec 6.3 and in which situations 
> is it acceptable not to?
> Section 6.5
> This introduces the encapsulation of messages, but doesn’t provide any 
> information about what type of encapsulation is used. Figure 7 shows UDP. Is 
> this part of the encapsulation? As this is necessary for the mechanism to 
> work and needs to be implemented on the AFBRs, there needs to be references 
> and requirements language on what needs to be implemented.
> s/we do insure/it is ensured/
> Section 7.2
> Are there options on the kind of tunnel encapsulation that can be used? It 
> would be useful to enumerate some of these and for interoperability one of 
> them needs to be mandatory to implement.
> References
> RFC2119 Needs to have a normative reference
> RFC4601 has been obsoleted by RFC7761
> General - 
> The document doesn’t contain the ‘Conventions/Requirements Language’ 
> boilerplate pointing to RFC2119 that needs to be in a standards track 
> document. (The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT”, …)
> The use of RFC2119 language and the case of the words throughout the document 
> is not consistent (there are a number of lower case ‘must’ etc, that probably 
> should be uppercase).
> The term ‘should’ (lower case) is used in a number of places that make the 
> functionality of the mechanism seem uncertain (e.g. Figure 1 - 'Multicast 
> packets should get across the I-IP transit core'. Sec 4.1 'it should be 
> translated back’).
> There are some points that would seem to need MUST requirements that are 
> missing - e.g. Section 4.4 'every uPrefix64 that AFBR announces should be 
> different either, and uniquely identifies each AFBR’. If two AFBRs are 
> announcing the same uPrefix64, surely there will be problems.
> Suggest that the use of RFC2119 language is revised throughout the document 
> to avoid these problems and to tighten up the specification as a whole.
> The document needs the language and grammar checking throughout.
> On 7 Apr 2016, at 16:58, Ian Farrer <ianfar...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This document has been around for some time, but has not received any 
> substantive reviews. Can I ask for volunteers who are willing to provide 
> reviews?
> Thanks,
> Ian
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