On Friday, 01.06.2018 at 10:26, Martin Lucina wrote:
> [ ... renaming ... ]
> However, even though it's "just" a rename and refactoring, after discussing
> with Dan and Ricardo this week it does seem prudent to release known-good
> code. I'll discuss this next week with the MirageOS core team and make a
> decision then.
> There is one other annoying "administrative" issue. Over the course of the
> past few months I have mistakenly committed a bunch of commits to the
> repository with a former employer's email address. I'd like to fix this for
> legal/attribution reasons, however the only way to accomplish this is to
> rewrite the history on the public Solo5 "master" branch. This will mean
> that everyone's existing clones and/or outstanding PRs will need to be
> manually fixed.
> The freeze looks like a good (only?) opportunity to get this done with the
> least amount of disruption. I'll send out a separate email about this after
> investigating exactly what needs to be done and how it will break other
> repositories in more detail.

An update on this:

After discussing with some of the core Mirage folks and others at robur,
we've come to the conclusion that it is better to release what we have now
rather than wait after the renaming is complete.

So, the rough plan is to:

  1. Decide on a "flag day" and rewrite Git history on master to sort out
  the issue of my mis-attributed commits,
  2. Cut a "minimalist" Solo5 0.3.0 release of what we have now on master,
  and subsequently the Mirage/Solo5 integration bits (as pointed to by the
  OPAM repository in Solo5/opam-solo5).
  3. After that, continue with the renaming and restructuring of the
  codebase as outlined in #172.

I'll follow up in more detail on Monday.


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