Hi Martin!

I'm leaving on a logistically somewhat complicated vacation in four days time and will be offline until the 15th of April. As there are things in progress (such as the build system refactoring / de-specialization of hvt in [1]) that I'd like to get merged before I leave, I'd like to ask that we
defer these discussions until after I get back.

I don't have the mental bandwidth right now to both hold a coherent
high-level design discussion and complete my immediate priorities :-(

Please don't feel pressed to discuss about these issues now. In particular if you have high priorities!

For me it was just like that - either I write a mail or stay a bit in the dark. But then, I am also trying to offer some outsider point of view, maybe this is helpful or maybe it's not. I've seen many design discussions hidden in github issues so it is difficult to see all the reasons immediately. For me working with solo5 was already pretty refreshing and the API is very coherent and nicely thought out. Porting my runtime system already lead to quite a few fixes to ensure portability to such highly restricted environments.

In the mean time, if you've not yet listened to my Solo5 talk from this
year's FOSDEM, I'd appreciate it if you'd take the time to do that. You can find the talk at [2]. This will hopefully make the overall project goals

I've clicked through that one before, but after writing the email. You are probably referring to the bullet point "No dynamic allocations" :) But unfortunately the debugging output has to get somehow out, preferably by not circumventing the solo5 API e.g. in the spt case.

Have a good vacation!


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