A new AOT WebAssembly compiler called Lucet (
was just announced from Fastly that might be worth looking into.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 12:42 PM Jonathan Beri <jmb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (joined the list)
> > Run as a component on a server with something like wasmjit, not in a
> browser.
> Sweet! That's what I inferred. There's several folks working on this from
> different angles. For example, Fastly <https://wasm.fastlylabs.com/docs>
> & Cloudflare
> <https://blog.cloudflare.com/webassembly-on-cloudflare-workers/> are
> using WebAssembly on their Serverless compute platforms and multiple
> companies in the Blockchain space are using WebAssembly for
> <https://github.com/ewasm/design> their
> <https://medium.com/dfinity/why-webassembly-f21967076e4> VMs
> <https://medium.com/nearprotocol/why-doesnt-near-just-replicate-ethereum-serenity-design-3e2cfa2f960c>
> ,
> >  It should be relatively easy to use something like an Emscripten-based
> cross toolchain to produce Solo5 WebAssembly "binaries" (whatever they are).
> Generally correct, you need a toolchain/generator like Emscripten (there
> are others) and a WASM "runtime" like wasmjit (there are others.) One nice
> thing about the specification
> <https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/bikeshed/index.html> is that it
> had the foresight to allow for non-web embedding
> <https://webassembly.org/docs/non-web/>.
> > Either keep the "no more executable pages" rule, which implies an AOT
> compilation step at/around deployment time (from wasm -> native code).
> The spec also doesn't require
> <https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/bikeshed/index.html#design-goals%E2%91%A0>
> JIT. In fact, many of the companies I mentioned above only support AOT for
> similar reasons.
> >  I'd be interested in some resources on how the transition from
> "writable" to "executable" memory is managed internally by the JIT.
> Happy to share what I know! Many of the projects rely on AOT code
> generators, with Cranelift <https://github.com/CraneStation/cranelift/>
> from Mozilla growing in popularity. See also Wasmtime
> <https://github.com/CraneStation/wasmtime> from the same team, which is
> an example of a non-web runtime. Besides wasmjit and wasmtime, see alo
> WAVM <https://github.com/WAVM/WAVM>, wasmer.io & wac
> <https://github.com/kanaka/wac>. If you're interested in the roadmap of
> WebAssembly, check out the latest talk <https://youtu.be/rZB9Er8aq4s>
> from Lin Clark.
> ###
> I've been interested in Unikernels for quite some time and recently became
> interested in WebAssembly (I run a local Meetup
> <https://www.meetup.com/wasmsf>.) I think the two could go very well
> together and would be happy to help in any way I can.
> Cheers.
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 2:37 AM Martin Lucina <mar...@lucina.net> wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> (meta: You're not subscribed to the list, so your message got moderated.)
>> On Sunday, 17.02.2019 at 10:07, Jonathan Beri wrote:
>> > I enjoyed the recent presentation given at Fosdem 2019
>> > <https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/solo5_unikernels/> given by
>> Martin
>> > Lucina & Ricardo Koller. At the end, Martin mentioned an idea to support
>> > WebAssembly as a target. How developed is the idea and has any progress
>> > been made in that direction?
>> At this stage it's just an idea. I ran out of time towards the end of the
>> talk, so, to elaborate a bit on this:
>> - This is about using WebAssembly as a way to get arch-independence for
>>   Solo5-based unikernels. I.e. run as a component on a server with
>>   something like wasmjit, not in a browser.
>> - I've not looked into WebAssembly in detail at all. From my possibly
>>   naive understanding, it should be relatively easy to use something like
>>   an Emscripten-based cross toolchain to produce Solo5 WebAssembly
>>   "binaries" (whatever they are).
>> - The Solo5 design mandates that you get no more executable pages after
>>   loading the unikernel binary. This precludes the use of a JIT. While
>>   others have asked [1] to relax this, I'm very wary of doing so as it
>>   significantly reduces "security posture" and generally goes against the
>>   design goal of keeping the system "static". Having said that, it looks
>>   like the "hack" described in that issue will have to go in in the short
>>   term.
>>   Possible solutions to this:
>>   1. Either keep the "no more executable pages" rule, which implies an AOT
>>   compilation step at/around deployment time (from wasm -> native code).
>>   2. Or, figure out a minimal, as-safe-as-possible interface at the Solo5
>>   layer which allows a JIT to function while *enforcing* W^X on the
>> various
>>   targets. I'm not sure this is possible, as it would imply e.g. in the
>>   'spt' case allowing at least mprotect() in the seccomp filter which is a
>>   fairly wide attack surface.
>>   If you know more about how JITs work, I'd be interested in some
>> resources
>>   on how the transition from "writable" to "executable" memory is managed
>>   internally by the JIT.
>> - Then there's the question of what the resulting architecture
>>   (tender/bindings) would look like, and what the interfaces to the
>>   "outside world" are in a wasm scenario and so on. However, figuring out
>>   the previous point is probably the biggest hurdle.
>> [1] https://github.com/Solo5/solo5/issues/321
>> Hope this helps,
>> Martin

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