
Solo5 v0.6.8 is now available. From the release notes:

## 0.6.8 (2020-12-17)

Bug fixes:

* xen: Fix corrupted console output by correctly waiting for xenconsoled to
  consume all data. (#490)
* hvt: Free kvm\_cpuid after use. (#485)

New features:

* xen: Add multiboot support. (#482)


* Thanks to Marek Marczykowski-Górecki (@marmarek) for implementing multiboot
  support for the Xen target.

And, since I forgot to send an announcement for v0.6.7 to the list, here
are the release notes for that release:

## 0.6.7 (2020-10-08)

Bug fixes:

* spt: Fix a bug where libseccomp's seccomp\_load() would cause the tender to
  be killed by SIGSYS due to calling free(), which would under certain
  conditions call sbrk(), which is not in our seccomp filter. Work around this
  behaviour by exporting the generated BPF filter and loading it into the
  kernel manually. (#479)
* Various improvements to the Xen bindings for use by MirageOS. (#480, #476).



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