: "/solr/select?q=" is a tricky case. Three options:

...there's kind of a chicken/egg problem with this discussion ... the egg
being "what should the HTTP response look like in an 'error' situation"
the chicken being "what is the internal API to allow a RequestHandler to
denote an 'error' situation" ... talking about specific cases only gets us
so far since those cases may not be errors in all RequestHandlers.

the problem gets even more complicated when you try to answer the
question: what should Solr do if an OutputWriter encounters an error? ...
we can't generate a valid JSON response dnoting an error if the
JSONOutputWriter is failing :)

It might be wise to discuss the API/psuedo code for dealing with errors in
RequestHandlers and OutputWriters and then think about what kinds of
responses those would generate rather then worrying too much about the
exact HTTP status codes first ... a big question to start off with would
be: should the RequestHandler know about HTTP satus codes and be allowed
to set them explicitly, or should that level of detail be abstracted away?


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