On 11/29/06, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We have a "multimedia designer" student working as a trainee in our
office, and I could probably grab him for one or two days to improve
the looks of the Solr admin pages (needs probably only a new CSS
stylesheet and a few background images).

+1, that would be great!

Any of the XML generated by the admin pages (and XSL) is also fair
game IMO, since I don't think anyone currently relies on it's specific
format (yet).

I don't know who designed these pages, and maybe they have some
sentimental value, but IMHO they could look better - while remaining
simple and clean of course.

I borrowed the css and basic html from CNET's other internal search
engine, and hacked it a little from there.  I've always been a backend
person with little personal interest in GUIs :-)


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