A good example of putting some diagnostic help into a JSP page is Axis happy.jsp (now called HappyAxis.jsp):

<http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/webservices/axis2/trunk/java/modules/ webapp/HappyAxis.jsp?view=markup>

As for Solr classes - no reason not to JAR them up.  Go for it.


On Dec 6, 2006, at 9:26 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

For what it's worth, i was trying to add a quick and diry little bit of code to _info.jsp so that we could display info about the current version
of Solr being run by accessing the manifest file, ala...


...and discovered it didn't work.

I freaked out a bit, thinking I still hadn't managed to get the manifest
working properly, but i'm pretty sure it's right, it's just that for
whatever reason that doesn't seem to work with a WAR, if you do the same
type of thing with a jar it works fine, we can even modify _info.jsp
to get the lucene version info out of the lucene-core-nightly.jar's
manifest file using...

org.apache.lucene.LucenePackage.class.getPackage ().getImplementationVersion();

Do any WAR/J2EE experts out there know why a JSP in a webapp can get info
out of a MANIFEST.MF from a jar in it's classpath, but not out of
the webapps own MANIFEST.MF file?

One thing we might want to consider, is puting the solt.jar in the
solr.war's lib directory, instead of adding all of the classes directly
... it would deal with this problem, and it would make our war look a
little cleaner when/if it is unpacked.


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