On Sat, 2006-12-23 at 18:27 -0800, Chris Hostetter wrote:
> : Imaging I have a form like
> : <form action="select/" method="get">
>       ...
> :             <input type="text" name="startDate"/>
>       ..
> :             <input type="text" name="endDate"/>
> : Using the StandardRequestHandler without prior processing would result
> : that "startDate" and "endDate" would be ignored since they are not
> : within the query string and are not solr standard param that got
> : processed.
> Typically it's not recommended do have your front end users/clients
> hitting Solr directly sa part of an HTML form submit ... 

Yeah, I am starting to understand better the architecture behind solr
reading the ml.

> the more
> conventional way to think of it is that Solr is a backend service, which
> your applicationn can talk to over HTTP -- if you were dealing with a
> database, you wouldn't expect that you could generate an HTML form for
> your clients and then have them submit that form in some way that resulted
> in their browser using JDBC (or ODBC) to communicate directly with your
> database, their client would communicate with your App, which would
> validate their input, impose some security checks on the input, and then
> execute the underlying query to your database -- working wtih Solr should
> be very similar, it just so happens thta instead of using JDBC or some
> other binary protocol, Solr uses HTTP, and you *can* talk to it directly
> from a web browser, but that's relaly more of a debugging feature then
> anything else.

Thanks for this clarification, I will incorporate it into the


> -Hoss

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