On 1/11/07, Ryan McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do you all feel about adding various "modes" to the <add> command?

Something like:
 mode="add or replace document" (default, the current behavior)
 mode="add or replace fields"
 mode="add fields"
 mode="add distinct fields"...

Although this is useful as you explain, I like the current simplicity
of the Solr HTTP/XML interface very much.

The more options we add, the harder it becomes to understand and test
the interface.

So, IMHO, it would be good for this functionality to be provided in a
plugin, disabled by default. IIUC the modifications the the Solr core
are minimal, these can included in the core, but (again IMHO, this is
debatable for sure) the public interface to this should be provided by
a "special" plugin.


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