Hi all,

Erik Hatcher has shown me some of the abilities of Flare, I've been digging into it for a jobby job project, and I've done my first small Solr project which was adding PDF, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint parsing in the vein of the CSVRequestHandler code. (Patches to be forthcoming!)

I was thinking about doing something on this as well. Is there enough room for multiple presentations? Can two people do a presentation? Chris, would you be interested in co-presenting?

I've mostly been on the outside of the Lucene community, be much more active in some of the Jakarta projects, and then seduced away by Ruby for the past 18 months, but the possibilities of Solr and Flare have had me interested in getting involved in Apache again.

Eric Pugh

On Apr 23, 2007, at 1:21 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: Is anyone willing to submit an introductory talk on Solr?

I was thinking about submitting two talks...

  Novice:   "Solr Out of the Box"
  Advanced: "Solr Beyond the Box"

The first being an attempt at showcasing all of the features of Solr
available without writing any code (just configuration and maybe some
XSLT) ... loading data from CSV, dismax query parsing, facets,
highlighting, date math, json output, etc., and any other cool features
that get committed between now and then.  I'll roabbly also talk about
Flare (but that would mean needing to learn about Flare before November)

The second would look at examples of how Solr can be customized without
building the whole thing from scratch ... writing custom plugins, and
embedding Solr in other applications. (the custom plugins part i think i can cover pretty well, but i'll need to pick the brains of people *doing*
Solr embedding for the second half if the proposal is accepted)

What do you guys think?


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