As we move to arbitrary path based configuration, the JSP admin pages don't really know where things are and what to link to.

In looking into how to replace get-file.jsp and how to have an upload page for /update and /update/csv, I stumbled on the idea that we could have the list of options for what is displayed in the admin interface configured in solrconfig.xml.

Perhaps something like:

      <links name="solr">
        <link name="Schema"   path="/admin/file?file=schema.xml" />
        <link name="Config"   path="/admin/file?file=solrconfig.xml" />
        <link name="Analysis" path="/admin/analysis.jsp" />
        <link name="Statistics"   path="/admin/stats.jsp" />
        <link name="Info"         path="/admin/registry.jsp" />
        <link name="Distribution" path="/admin/distributiondump.jsp" />
        <link name="Ping"         path="/admin/ping" />
        <link name="Logging"      path="/admin/logging.jsp" />
      <links name="update">
        <link name="Update" path="/admin/?show=update.html" />
        <link name="CSV"    path="/admin/?show=updatecsv.html" />
      <links name="App server">
        <link name="Properties"   path="/admin/properties" />
        <link name="Thread Dump"  path="/admin/threaddump.jsp" />


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