On 13-Jul-07, at 1:53 PM, Yonik Seeley (JIRA) wrote:

... ParallelReader, where some fields are in one sub-index ...
the processor would ask the updateHandler for the existing document - the updateHandler deals with
getting it to/from the right place.

The big reason you would use ParallelReader is to avoid touching the less-modified/bigger fields in one index when changing some of the other fields in the other index.

I've pondered this a few times: it could be a huge win for highlighting apps, which can be stored-field-heavy.

However, I wonder if there is something that I am missing: PR requires perfect synchro of lucene doc ids, no? If you update fields for a doc in one index, need not you (re-)store the fields in all other indices too, to keep the doc ids in sync?


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