On Sep 10, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Mike Klaas wrote:

I'm a little worried about Solr getting a bad rap for being buggy or not well-documented due to people trying to use it embeddedly. It seems that we need to do one of two things: 1. Someone lead the effort to clean up and organize the situation, develop and test the relevant api, and document it to the standards of the rest of Solr. 2. Remove references to embedding Solr (including out-of-date wiki pages) if we do not have a maintainer for this functionality.

We have a desktop app in alpha now that uses Solr as its data store backend via DirectSolrConnection. It makes a lot of sense in our app especially as the web-app side of the app is also built on Solr. We have a lot of people banging on the code and other than the thread lock issue Adrian and I mentioned, there's been absolutely no problem -- it's fast, stable, relatively low overhead, x-platform and does exactly what we need.

I would volunteer to be the DSC maintainer as I probably use it the most, but unfortunately I am not a competent java dev (Ryan can attest to this.) I will volunteer to clean up the end user docs, specifically I owe the wiki a non-objc version of the JNI code.

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