I am the lead developer and founder of Hibernate Search (http:// search.hibernate.org). Hibernate Search is a somewhat competitive product of Solr but in a slightly different space. Like Solr it uses Lucene, but while Solr aims at being a search server, Hibernate Search stays in the library space and tries to integrate smoothly full-text search search into the Hibernate programmatic model.

I am looking at enhancing the support for analyzers in Hibernate Search and what you guys did in Solr is pretty much what I envisioned (TokenizerChain, TokenizerFactory and TokenFilterFactory). I would like to reuse this infrastructure code in Hibernate Search.

Basically I would like to provide the configuration front-end and initialization to the Solr classes through Hibernate Search annotations and have a loose dependency on the Solr JAR (or maybe a trimmed down version of the Solr JAR). This will help avoid any code fork or duplication. From what I've seen quickly, the analysis package is pretty well isolated from the rest of Solr. Minus TokenizerChain, both TokenizerFactory and TokenFilterFactory are public APIs in Solr.

Do you guys have any concern with such an approach? I am not only thinking technically (your lights are more than welcome), but more broadly with the concept of "code borrowing".


Hibernate team

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