On 20-May-08, at 12:32 PM, Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:

+1 for your suggestions Mike.

I'd like to see a few of the smaller issues get committed in 1.3 such as SOLR-256 (JMX), SOLR-536 (binding for SolrJ), SOLR-430 (SpellChecker support in SolrJ) etc. Also, SOLR-561 (replication by Solr) would be really cool to have in the next release. Noble and I are working on it and plan to give a
patch soon.

Whether something makes it in to this release will depend mostly on getting the buy-in and time commitment from one of the committers familiar with that aspect of the project. There is so much in 1.3 as it is that I think our focus should be on getting it out sooner rather than adding things. But small things that significantly improve the release are good too.

SOLR-561 seems like a rather large project to me (although I have never even used the existing collection distribution method).

Mike -- you removed SOLR-563 (Contrib area for Solr) from 1.3 but it is a
dependency for SOLR-469 (DataImportHandler) as it was decided to have
DataImportHandler as a contrib project. It would also be good to have a rough release roadmaps to work against. Can fixed release cycle (say every 6
months) work for Solr?

Twice-yearly releases would be nice to aim for, but I think we're too small a project to fix release dates in advance.


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