Hi everyone,
I have the following class :

package org.apache.solr.search;
class MyQParser extends QParser
                protected Query parse()
// do stuff
                Query q = subQuery(qs, QParserPlugin.DEFAULT_QTYPE).parse();
                // do stuff

As QParser.parse is protected and QParser.subQuery is public, everything works 
fine when I run parse() myself (through unit tests). But when I try to run it 
through a Solr server, I get :
"method: parse signature: ()Lorg/apache/lucene/search/Query;) Bad access to 
protected data java.lang.VerifyError"
Which is normal, the class loader of QParser and MyQParser are different 
(MyQParser is inside the "lib/" directory).
A public scope for the QParser.parse() would resolve this issue. What do you 
think about it?


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