
I'm not sure if this will help - but pull your definition of MLTRubyWriter outside of MLTRubyResponseWriter (look at for hot is done there). RubyWriter isn't public, but you're using the same package so it should work.

Also, of course you know this, but extending the response writers for this sort of thing is not really the way to go. What needs to happen is the MoreLikeThisComponent should be adjusted to have a way to override the default field list from fl. If you build it this way, it'd be something we could add to Solr and support in the core, versus your unsupported rogue way :)


On Dec 17, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Matt Mitchell wrote:


I'm pretty new solr internals, but have been experimenting with good
results... up to now!

What I'm trying to do is make it possible for the mlt docs to have their own custom fl, separate from the main docs fl. I'm only interested in the ruby response at this point. So the only way I've found to do this is to create a new query response writer, which extends the ruby response writer and make a
few changes:

This class compiles fine. I put my "mlt-ruby-response-writer.jar" within my
solr-home/lib dir, and registered the response writer. Solr starts up
without errors.

... but when I run it within Solr I get an error:

class org.apache.solr.request.MLTRubyResponseWriter$MLTRubyWriter
cannot access its superclass org.apache.solr.request.RubyWriter

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class
org.apache.solr.request.MLTRubyResponseWriter$MLTRubyWriter cannot
access its superclass org.apache.solr.request.RubyWriter

Anyone have an idea to what I might be doing wrong? Why would I be able to compile, but then get a runtime error like that? Is this a classpath thing?

Oh, the error occurs when I make a request and specify the wt, which I named


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