did the patch solve your problem?

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 12:17 AM, Gian Marco Tagliani
<gmtagli...@grupointercom.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using the version 1.4.0 of Solr and I'm having some trouble with the
> DIH when I use the special command $skipDoc.
> After skipping a document to insert, the next one is not inserted in the
> proper way.
> My DIH configuration is quite complex so I'll try to explain myself with
> a simpler example:
> item table:
> id      name
> 1       aaa
> 2       bbb
> feature table:
> Item_id hidden
> 1               true
> 2               false
> DIH conf:
> <document name="products">
>        <entity name="item" query="select * from item">
>                <field column="ID" name="id" />
>                <field column="NAME" name="name" />
>                <entity name="feature" query="select hidden from feature
> where item_id='${item.ID}'">
>                        <field name="$skipDoc" column="hidden" />
>                </entity>
>        </entity>
> </document>
> The result I expected is that the record named "bbb" would be imported,
> but the result of my import case is that the other record (the "aaa")
> has been inserted.
> I took a look to the DIH code and I found a possible problem that could
> cause this result.
> In the DocBuilder class when a $skipDoc is detected, an exception is
> raised. After handling the exception another loop starts, without
> cleaning up the doc variable.
> When the next record is read, the addFieldToDoc method can't fill the
> doc fields because they are already filled.
> To solve this problem I just clean up the doc variable when handling the
> exception.
> The patch with this tiny change is attached to this mail.
> Did anybody else encounter this problem?
> Is the change I did correct?
> Thanks
> Gian Marco Tagliani

Noble Paul | Systems Architect| AOL | http://aol.com

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