On Feb 9, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Zacarias wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to solve the
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1713improvment but I have
> some questions. If somebody can give a little
> orientation should be great.
> What the issue says is "Query rows=10 but cluster on more"?
> If this is what it says, the idea is to solve using results or collection
> part of the ClusteringComponent. (Because Collection part uses
> DocumentEngine, which is in experimental state).
> If the user wants to cluster on more rows, should I query twice or just
> query by the biggest quantity of rows and then reduce the number at the end?

I think we want to avoid querying twice.  I would query by the max of rows and 
a new parameter (cluster_rows? internal_rows?  Other?) and then reduce the 
number at the end.  It's a little tricky, b/c we likely don't want to couple 
the QueryComponent to the ClusterComponent, so we may want to make this just a 
wee bit more generic.


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