: The SolrRequestHandler page is generating some odd wiki links:
: Under List of Request Handlers Available we use:
: <<FullSearch(linkto:CategorySolrRequestHandler
: -title:CategorySolrRequestHandler)>>
: The content of each page is not correct for this set of links.
: Just noting in case someone more familiar with this wants to take care of it.
: Offhand I'm not sure if something needs to be changed about those pages, or if
: we need to change how we are listing them.

We're using the MoinMoin recommended way of listing all pages in a given 
"category" via a search ... the problem seems to be that with the MoinMoin 
upgrade this style of search has started including some help pages (in 
various langauges) that also match because of the way other macros are 
expanded (i don't think the results of hte macros use to match)

In general, the whole MoinMoin category way of trying to simplify 
maintaining lists of request handlers and response writers has never 
really worked very well (it's the reason the main page was so damn slow 
for so long).  We should really just abandon it.

I'll change the lists to be static for now, but we might want to consider 
using the "sub-pages" feature as better way of organizing pages, ala Solr 


 ... the macros for listing all subpages of a given page seem a lot less 
brittle and faster to load.


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