I think something would definitely be useful.
Something *short* that people will read and can actually follow.
Something that tells them what we will ask first in trying to diagnose
a problem.
Something/somewhere that they will be likely to run across before
posting a question.

Maybe right near the top of the solr faq or something?
Along the lines of "If you're having a problem with X, ... post to
solr-user with A B, C"
We should keep the list small, or give different lists depending on
the problem. We don't want people to have to fill out a 10 page form
to ask for help :-)


On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry to put this on the dev list, but the folks who read this are also some
> of the "heavy hitters" on the user list....
> I'm seeing questions on the users list of the form "help, it doesn't work",
> which then requires people to guess, ask for clarification, etc.  I often
> try to grab them long enough to ask for more information and take some of
> the load off the folks who really know things, but I'm starting to get
> frustrated with the number of really vague posts that require three
> back-and-forths before anything useful comes of it.
> In, I admit, 2 minutes of looking I couldn't find anything on the SOLR site
> about how to use the user's list.
> Would it be useful If I created a much gentler (and shorter) version of
> http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html? If it'd be useful, is it
> worth putting on the SOLR website? Or maybe Chris would be willing to put it
> on his apache page so we could link to it easily.
> My goal here would be to have something welcoming (the above is pretty darn
> off-putting, even if it accurately reflects my reactions sometime), but at
> the same time conveying that there are things the poster can do to 1> get
> answers much more quickly and 2> stop wasting everyone's time (OK, a little
> frustration there).
> I know my first questions on the Lucene list sure could have used a bit of
> etiquette guidance, but I'm not sure I'd have appreciated something in the
> tone of the link above. That said, I'm tired of typing the same request for
> more information over and over and over.......
> Or, someone could say "Do you mean this page <url here>" and I'll just blush
> in the privacy of my study....
> Whaddya think?
> Erick

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