On 03/15/2010 05:24 PM, Paul Borgermans wrote:
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Robert Muir<rcm...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Is there any concern with removing the deprecated HtmlStrip*Tokenizer factories?

Maybe a communication issue, you need to read the source code or
javadocs to know it is deprecated

It is certainly deprecated ;)

These can be done with CharFilter instead and they have some problems
with lucene's trunk.

Personally, I don't object, but then one should consider bumping Solr
to 2.0 along with the removal of other deprecated API's/features

And of course adapt the wiki page as well

Looking like the next version of Solr will actually be 3.1. Or whatever the next version of Lucene is. So its a great time to remove deprecations IMO.

Best regards

If no one objects, I'd like to remove these in the branch.
Otherwise, Uwe tells me there is some way to make them work if need be.


Robert Muir

- Mark


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