On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Ryan McKinley <ryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there any reason why CoreContainer shouldn't throw an exception if
>> solr.xml declares a core w/o a name, or two cores with the same name?
> This makes sense.  I think WAY WAY back (in a patch), cores could be
> initialized by index, but that became moot with the CoreContainer
> stuff.

I'm not sure 2 cores with the same name matter, since one can consider
it a generalization of a bigger problem: misnaming a core.  You name
it "Foo" and try to access it as "foo" - and get a core-not-found, and
need to go look at solr.xml to see why.

In the two cores with one name scenario, presumably you meant to name
one something different.  You try to access the core under that
different name, get a core-not-found and go look at the solr.xml to
see why.  Same scenario.

So while I don't see extra code as necessary for that case, I don't
really care either.


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