On Mar 22, 2010, at 8:27 AM, Uwe Schindler wrote:

> Hi all,
> the discussion where to do the development after the merge, now gets actual:
> Currently a lusolr test-trunk is done as a branch inside solr 
> (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/solr/branches/newtrunk). The 
> question is, where to put the main development and how to switch, so 
> non-developers that have checkouts of solr and/or lucene will see the change 
> and do not send us outdated patches.
> I propose to do the following:
> - Start a new top-level project folder inside /lucene root svn folder: 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/lusolr (please see "lusolr" as a 
> placeholder name) and add branches, tags subfolders to it. Do not create 
> trunk and do this together with the next step.
> - Move the branch from 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/solr/branches/newtrunk to this new 
> directory as "trunk"

OK, makes sense.  Frankly, I think we could just keep the name "java" for 
"lusolr", but "search" would work too or even something as simple as dev.

> - For lucene flexible indexing, create a corresponding flex branch there and 
> svn copy it from current new trunk. Merge the lucene flex changes into it. 
> Alternatively, land flex now. Or simply do svn copy of current flex branch 
> instead of merging (may be less work).
> - Do the same for possible solr branches in development
> - Create a tag in the lucene tags folder and in the solr tags folder with the 
> current state of each trunk. After that delete all contents from old trunk in 
> solr and lucene and place a readme file pointing developers to the new merged 
> trunk folder (for both old trunks). This last step is important, else people 
> who checkout the old trunk will soon see a very outdated view and may send us 
> outdated patches in JIRA. When the contents of old-trunk disappear it's 
> obvious to them what happened. If they had already some changes in their 
> checkout, the svn client will keep the changed files as unversioned (after 
> upgrade). The history keeps available, so it's also possible to checkout an 
> older version from trunk using @rev or -r rev. I did a similar step with some 
> backwards compatibility changes in lucene (add a README).

Makes sense.  We can always move things again if we need to.  This isn't CVS 
after all.

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