could you be more precise about 'import project from source tree'.

With Eclipse I see only two options which might be what you mean:

 - File > Import... > General > File System
 - File > Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace

None of these two options would work properly with Lucene and/or Solr.

I have also tried with:

 - File > New > Project... > Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile

But, again, no luck. Eclipse complains about javac missing from
build.xml since it's in common-build.xml.


Lance Norskog wrote:
Just say 'import project from source tree' and eclipse will find
everything for you.
I made two separate projects 'lucene' and 'solr', and 'solr' depends
on 'lucene'.

If you don't want to compile stuff like contrib/ remove them from the
build path.
It's hard to get rid of files you don't want to scan with a full
project search, which I do all the time.

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Rich Cariens <richcari...@gmail.com> wrote:
Ahoy ahoy,

Would anyone be willing to share their Eclipse project files for Solr and
Lucene?  I can go through the motions but I'd rather be consistent with
other Eclipse users.

Thanks in advance,

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