(perhaps more appropriate on solr-user@)

It sounds like you want to make a MathML filter?  Check out the
analyzer packages...


simple example:


2010/4/14  <m...@gjgt.sk>:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm new to all this so I hope this isn't too noob a question and that it
> isn't very inappropriate here.
> I'm currently working on a indexing/searching application based on Apache
> Lucene core, that can process mathematical formulae in MathML format
> (which is extension to XML) and store it in the index for searching. No
> troubles here, since I'm making everything above Lucene.
> But I started to think it would be nice to write this mathematical
> extension so it could be incorporated into Solr as easy as possible in the
> future. The thing is I looked into Solr's sources and I'm all confused to
> be honest and don't know which way to do this.
> Basic workflow of the whole math processing would be:
> Check the input document for any math->if found, mathematical unit needs
> to process it and produce many string-represented formulae with different
> boosts->put these into index not tokenized furthermore.
> That's about it.
> Any ideas? Any help will be appreciated.
> Thank you
> Martin

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