> > It might be easier to download a recent Tomcat 5.5 distribution and
> > get it working with that first... then try with the bundled version of
> > Tomcat once you understand how everything works.
> Thanks Yonik, maybe I should try that, though I now think that the
> configuration is not the main problem.

It may be Tomcat configuration/security set up by default on your
Linux distribution.
If you start from a normal tomcat distribution, we will be able to
eliminate that difference.

> Btw, I don't like the way the config-files are handled. Searching them in
> the webapps-dir is not very elegant, I think.

It's searching off the current-working-directory (which also isn't
super elegant).

> Instead they should be
> in /etc/solr or something (for linux; sorry, don't know if there's a
> common place where configs are placed under windows or other OSs).

Even on linux, that would require root, and prevent multiple people
from even trying out Solr on the same box.  We needed a simple way to
find config files without requiring user configuration.

We're thinking of adding a solr.home java system property that would
point to the solr directory.
If we need to support multiple webapps, perhaps the property could
have the webapp name as part of it's name.

> This will become a problem for me anyway because I'm planing to have
> three independent indexes which should be operated by three servlets. If
> my approach changing the variable configDir worked, this would really
> be fine. This way I could create three war-files containing different
> locations for the config (and yes, this wouldn't work with my proposed
> "elegant" way of putting everything to /etc/solr). Is this approach
> correct or do I have to make changes to the code elsewhere?

I don't think there is currently a way to do this.  If you have any
ideas (or even better, a patch) let us know.


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