: There is no stylesheet :-)
: It's a hold-over from an old XML format that Solr used to support
: before it was open-sourced.  That old XML format was for compatibility
: with another internal product.  It turned out that it wasn't flexible
: enough to add extra info like multiple result sets, or faceted
: browsing info, so we came up with v2 of the XML (but no new stylesheet
: to go with it).
: The XML is fairly readable though, so it hasn't been much of a problem
: in practice.

Yeah ... the whole way the stylesheet param is handled has allwyas kind of
bugged me ... in the back of my mind, i've been thinking that the right
thing to do would be to change it so if it's specified, the string is used
verbatim as the stylehseet URL instead of hte current practice of
assuming it's in the admin directory -- that way people could either
specify fully qualified URLs on another host, or quasi-relative paths
rooted with / on another webapp of the current host/port, or it could even
be a refrence to get-files.jsp so they could store the XSLTs in their
./solr directory.

another way to go if we add init() params to QueryResponseWriter would be
to make the XmlResponseWriter take in a NamedList of alias=>URL mappings
of all the stylesheets it wanted to support (which could still be served
via get-files.jsp)


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