On 9/27/06, Ken Krugler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One trick I've heard is to do cat <path to Lucene index
directory>/_*.* > /dev/null to force all of the index data into the
OS cache.

For Solr, I don't think I'd do this:
- If you are using replication, the new segment files that just got
rsync'd *will* be in memory already.
- warming/autowarming can more intelligently exercise the parts of the
index that need to be cached.  For example, if the index is bigger
than memory, you want the actual index files cached before any of the
stored fields.

So it could still make sense to do this on a cold boot if you actually
have enough spare RAM to cache the whole index in memory.  You should
still have some warming in Solr though for things like loading the
term index, the field norms, and any FieldCache entries that will be
used for sorting.


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