We would never use JOIN. We denormalize for speed. Not a big deal.

Search Guru, Netflix

On 2/3/07 11:16 AM, "Brian Whitman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Feb 2, 2007, at 4:46 PM, Ryan McKinley wrote:
>> I would LOVE to see a JOIN in SOLR.
>> I have an index of artists, albums, and songs.  The artists have lots
>> of metadata and the songs very little.  I'd love to be able to search
>> for songs using the artist metadata.  Right now, I have to add all the
>> metadata for each artist and album to each song.
> I share my dream with Ryan. My dream API looks like this, sticking
> with the artist/track metaphor, in which we have metadata, say the
> artist's name, associated to artists that should immediately be
> available in track searches:
> schema.xml: <aliasField name="artistName" joinOn="artistID">
> For track documents, we never <add> with a filled-in artistName. But
> whenever we query: type:track artistName:aerosmith bpm:[120 TO 140] ,
> the aliasField live searches the solr index for
> artistName:aerosmith&fl=artistID, and limits the rest of search space
> by those results.
> And for each result, if artistName is an aliasField, solr searches on
> artistID:X&fl=artistName for each artistID X in the results.
> If the field denoted in aliasField is given (as it would be for
> artistName in artist-type documents), the aliasField is disabled for
> that document.
> Possibly insane, possibly breaking the intent of Solr, could get slow
> quick, but also very useful.
> -Brian

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