...to everyone who helps make Lucene and Solr such fantastic tools.

I'm the Platform Architect for a leading online event ticket
after-marketplace (think eBay for tickets), and we've just completed a 12
month project to rewrite the Browse and Search components of our
customer-facing site.  Both rely heavily on Solr and a smattering of custom
Lucene API calls throughout the code base.  As of this morning (2 weeks
after our final-stage push to production), we've reduced our hardware needs
over 50% and have improved page response times by 30-60% as compared to the
old architecture (a mix of very old CF code for the browse pieces, and a
couple GSAs for the seach pages).  More importantly, we've established new
patterns and flex points for future growth, and I have utmost confidence
that we'll be leveraging the Lucene/Solr combo for years to come as we grow.
The devs are proud, the execs are happy, our customers have noticed the
speed improvements, and we all learned many positive lessons along the way.

These forums and various online resources (the Solr wiki first and foremost)
have been tremendously helpful.   And so, thank you, all, for pointing the
way to a simpler, faster, better solution for our needs.

Cass Costello

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.
 - John Gaule

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