On 4/18/07, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/18/07, Koji Sekiguchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I can't seem to get things like facet.mincount to work.
> We had same issue when we used Solr incubator version.
> Now we are using trunk version of Solr and the issue was gone.

Hmmm, good point.
The wiki is often updated at the same time as the most recent
development version of Solr.

What if we made a policy of including a "added in version XX" to wiki
documentation of features that aren't yet in a release?  The XX could
link to a page that includes a link to the nightly build and
CHANGES.txt, or the release package for already-released versions.


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