i used to think cache data with memcached.

why i think that?

for example, i have 45 solr instance, and i have to merge their results into
on array and sort by score or datetime, if i use rows=10, it means i will
get max 45*10 results,,but it only show 10result per page.

how to do with 440 results,,just kill them or save them into memcached?
i saved them into memcached.

it seems only save merge and sort time because i find same query just
pagenum changed the response will be very quick.

Merge and sort time is no much when i test. And if use memcached, we have to
manage it ,add hardware and have to learn how to use it, solve its problem.

So now i not use memcached and just use solr *inside* cache.

2007/4/28, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

: 2. Can anyone think of any reasons why this might not be a good idea? (I
: *just* started considering this)

: 3. I read http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCaching , but I think the
: whole cache discarding and warming wouldn't be needed if what I store in
: memcached is: StringRepresentationOfQuery > DocSet or DocList .  Hm, I
: see QueryResultKey class now.  Then maybe I'd store QueryResultKey ->
: DocSet or DocList in the memcached cache.  Is this a correct?

The nice thing about the internal caching is that because it's internal,
it can be autowarmed, and it can store things that only make sense as part
of the internal API (ie: big OpenBitSet based DocSets that rely on the
IndexReader for getting the real field contents)

when you start talking about caching the data outside of Solr, I don't
think the "internal" SolrCache APIs make as much sense anymore, what you
can effectively/efficiently cache changes, and it may not make sense to
hook that cache in at such a low level anymore -- it starts making more
sense to talk about caching request=>response pairs (with
pagination and field lists baked into them) instead of caching
individual DocLists and DocSets ... at that level hooking into memcached
might make sense, but it's probably easier and just as effective to use
something like squid as a proxy cache in front of SOlr instead.

(that's what i do)



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